35 events found.
Event Venue: Brewery Legitimus Address: 283 Main Street B3, New Hartford, CT 06057 Time: Tuesday, October 29, 2024 - 4:00pm to 10:00pm More Information: https://www.brewerylegitimus.com/foodtrucks Sambas Food Truck at Brewery Legitimus Join us every Tuesday for our weekly Corn Hole...
Put those boots on (or leave them off; they are not required!) and enroll in Tanna's Intro to Line Dancing class. You don't need a partner, and beginners are welcome.
The Substitutes at Brewery Legitimus are playing at Brewery Legitimus in New Hartford, CT on Friday, November 8th, 2024. Music starts at 6:00pm. Join us for live rock music and the Greenhouse Food Truck.
Chell's Charcuterie Class at Connecticut Valley Winery. Greetings from Chell's Holiday Wreath Wine Tasting and Charcuterie Class! Our participatory, hands-on charcuterie class is more than just a workshop; it's a gathering place for people who have a passion for food.